Sample FilesΒΆ

  • The XML configuration file schema is available at IoC.Configuration.Schema.7579ADB2-0FBD-4210-A8CA-EE4B4646DB3F.xsd.

  • A template XML configuration file can be downloaded from IoC.Configuration.Template.xml.


    The template file and schema are also available in folder, where Nuget package IoC.Cnfiguration is unpacked.

  • The XML configuration files listed below are used in some examples throughout the documentation. The file IoCConfiguration_Overview.xml provides an overview of various features of IoC.Configuration, while the other configuration files (e.g., IoCConfiguration_collection.xml, IoCConfiguration_constructedValue.xml), provide additional examples for some features.


    These configuration files can be found in test project IoC.Configuration.Tests. Most of type names in configuration files are meaningless (e.g., Interface1, Class1, etc)