Resolution Scopes

Resolution scope determines if the same object or different objects will be returned by the container on subsequent requests of type.

IoC.Configuration supports three types of resolution scopes: Singleton, ScopeLifetime, and Transient scopes.

Scope: Singleton

Singleton scope results in type being resolved to the same instance on subsequent requests.

Here is an example of specifying Singleton resolution scope in method IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ModuleAbstr.AddServiceRegistrations() (see Type Bindings in IoC.Configuration Modules):

public class TestDiModule : IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ModuleAbstr
    protected override void AddServiceRegistrations()

Here is an example of specifying Singleton resolution scope in XML configuration file (see Service Bindings):

<service type="SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface9" assembly="shared_services">
    <implementation type="SharedServices.Implementations.Interface9_Impl1"
                                scope="singleton" />

Here is an example of resolving types bound with Singleton scope resolution

private void SingletonScopeResolutionExample(IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.IDiContainer diContainer)
    var service1 = diContainer.Resolve<IInterface9>();
    var service2 = diContainer.Resolve<IInterface9>();
    Assert.AreSame(service1, service2);

Scope: Transient

Transient scope results in type being resolved to a newly created instance on each requests.

Here is an example of specifying Transient resolution scope in method IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ModuleAbstr.AddServiceRegistrations() (see Type Bindings in IoC.Configuration Modules):

public class TestDiModule : IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ModuleAbstr
    protected override void AddServiceRegistrations()

Here is an example of specifying Transient resolution scope in XML configuration file (see Service Bindings):

<service type="DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Interfaces.IInterface2"
    <implementation type="DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Implementations.Interface2_Impl1"

Here is an example of resolving types bound with Transient scope resolution

private void TransientScopeResolutionExample(IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.IDiContainer diContainer)
    Type typeInterface2 = Helpers.GetType("DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Interfaces.IInterface2");

    var service1 = diContainer.Resolve(typeInterface2);
    var service2 = diContainer.Resolve(typeInterface2);
    Assert.AreNotSame(service1, service2);

Scope: ScopeLifetime

ScopeLifetime scope results in type being resolved to the same instance on subsequent requests, if the same instance of IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ILifeTimeScope is used as a parameter to method diContainer.Resolve(Type typeToResolve, ILifeTimeScope lifetimeScope).


If DiResolutionScope.ScopeLifetime is not used when specifying the binding for the type, the value passed for ILifeTimeScope parameter in diContainer.Resolve(Type typeToResolve, ILifeTimeScope lifetimeScope) does not matter, and the type will be resolved with resolution scope used in type binding (e.g., Singleton, Transient).

Here is an example of specifying ScopeLifetime resolution scope in method IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ModuleAbstr.AddServiceRegistrations() (see Type Bindings in IoC.Configuration Modules):

public class TestDiModule : IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.ModuleAbstr
    protected override void AddServiceRegistrations()

Here is an example of specifying ScopeLifetime resolution scope in XML configuration file (see Service Bindings):

<service type="DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Interfaces.IInterface3" assembly="dynamic1">
    <implementation type="DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Implementations.Interface3_Impl1"

Here is an example of resolving types bound with ScopeLifetime scope resolution:

private void LifetimeScopeResolutionExample(IoC.Configuration.DiContainer.IDiContainer diContainer)
    Type typeInterface3 = Helpers.GetType(

    // Same objects are created in default lifetime scope.
    var service1InMainScope = diContainer.Resolve(typeInterface3);
    var service2InMainScope = diContainer.Resolve(typeInterface3);

    Assert.AreSame(service1InMainScope, service2InMainScope);

    using (var lifeTimeScope = diContainer.StartLifeTimeScope())
        // IDiContainer.Resolve(Type, ILifetimeScope) returns
        // the same object for the same scope lifeTimeScope.
        var service1InScope1 = diContainer.Resolve(typeInterface3, lifeTimeScope);
        var service2InScope1 = diContainer.Resolve(typeInterface3, lifeTimeScope);

        Assert.AreSame(service1InScope1, service2InScope1);

        // However, the objects are different from the ones created in main
        // lifetime scope.
        Assert.AreNotSame(service1InScope1, service1InMainScope);