Startup ActionsΒΆ

  • The XML Configuration file has iocConfiguration/startupActions/startupAction elements for specifying any number of startup actions. Each startupAction element specifies a type that is an implementation of interface IoC.Configuration.OnApplicationStart.IStartupAction.

  • When the XML configuration file is loaded IoC.Configuration will call the method IoC.Configuration.OnApplicationStart.IStartupAction.Start() for each startup action specified in startupAction elements.

  • When the XML configuration file is disposed of (when IoC.Configuration.DiContainerBuilder.IContainerInfo is disposed of), IoC.Configuration.OnApplicationStart.IStartupAction.Stop() is called on each startup action.

  • Startup actions are integrated into dependency injection mechanism. Therefore, the constructor parameters of IoC.Configuration.OnApplicationStart.IStartupAction implementations specified in startupAction elements will be injected using the bindings specified in XML Configuration file or in modules referenced by the configuration file. Also, parameters and injectedProperties elements can used with startupActions to specify constructor parameter values or to inject properties.

  • IoC.Configuration waits for up to 15 seconds, to make sure that all startup actions are given enough time to properly stop (e.g., stop the threads if necessary).


    If all startup actions have true value of property IStartupAction.ActionExecutionCompleted, before 15 seconds passes, the wait time will be shorter.

Here is an example of startup action elements in configuration file:

    <startupAction type="DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Implementations.StartupAction1"
      <!--Use parameters element to specify constructor parameters if necessary.-->
      <!--Use injectedProperties element to inject properties into startup action if necessary.-->
    <startupAction type="DynamicallyLoadedAssembly1.Implementations.StartupAction2"

Here is the definition of interface IoC.Configuration.OnApplicationStart.IStartupAction

public interface IStartupAction
    /// <summary>
    /// If <c>true</c>, the action was successfully stopped.
    /// </summary>
    bool ActionExecutionCompleted { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Starts the action.
    /// </summary>
    void Start();

    /// <summary>
    ///  Stops the action.
    /// </summary>
    void Stop();