Element service

Element service is used to bind a type specified in attributes type and assembly to one ore more types specified in implementation child elements.

Single Implementation

An example of service element that binds type SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface4 in assembly with alias shared_services to a type SharedServices.Implementations.Interface4_Impl1 is shown below.

    <service type="SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface4" assembly="shared_services">
        <implementation type="SharedServices.Implementations.Interface4_Impl1"

An instance of type SharedServices.Implementations.Interface4_Impl1 will be injected as a constructor parameter or into properties by dependency injection, when interface SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface4 is requested.

Here is an example of injecting SharedServices.Implementations.Interface4_Impl1 as a constructor parameter interface4.

public class TestConstructorInjection
    // An instance of type SharedServices.Implementations.Interface4_Impl1 will
    // be injected for constructor parameter interface4.
    public TestConstructorInjection(SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface4 interface4)

Multiple Implementations

If multiple implementation elements are specified under service element, the type specified in element service will be bound to multiple types. In such a cases we should use System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<TService>.

An example of service element that binds a type SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface8 in assembly with alias shared_services to two types, SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl1 and SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl2 is shown below.

    <service type="SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface8"
        <implementation type="SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl1"

        <implementation type="SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl2"

Here is an example of injecting instances of types SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl1 and SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl2 for parameter interface8Resolutions of type System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface8>.

In this example, the injected collection interface8Resolutions will have two items. The first item will be of type SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl1 and the second item will be of type SharedServices.Implementations.Interface8_Impl2.

public class TestConstructorInjectionForMultipleBindings
    public TestConstructorInjection(
            IEnumerable<SharedServices.Interfaces.IInterface8> interface8Resolutions)

Binding Scope

Attribute scope in element implementation under element service is used to specify binding resolution scope for resolved types (see Resolution Scopes for more details). The value of this attribute can be one of the following: singleton, transient, and scopeLifetime.